What We Do

The Arctic Rose Foundation gives Inuit and Northern Indigenous youth a safe space to participate and grow through Indigenous-led, arts-based and culturally-grounded after-school programs in their communities.

We aim to foster Inuit and Northern Indigenous youth in finding their own positive stories and modes of self-expression, to build healthy relationships with adults and peers, and inspire quiet leadership that builds allies and community through positive thought and actions.

NOTE: The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing inequities in Inuit and Northern Indigenous communities, while simultaneously removing the ability to gather together for our programs. As such, we have adapted our programs to the best of our ability to sustain our program offering, while accounting for these challenges. COVID-19 has made running our programs far more challenging – but also highlighted why it is so important that they continue.

Learn More:
Messy Book Program
Youth Leadership and Mentor Program
Christmas Food Program
Kamajiit Program


Contact Us

P.O. Box 11336, Nepean PO H, Ontario K2H 7V1

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The Arctic Rose Foundation is a charitable organization that grew out of the Arctic Rose Project, started by Inuk singer-songwriter Susan Aglukark in 2012. Officially designated as a registered charity in 2016, and incorporated in 2020, the Arctic Rose Foundation works to support Northern Inuit, First Nations and Métis youth through the creation of Indigenous-led, arts-based after school programs, and other engaging cultural and creative projects.